Saturday, June 27, 2009

Am I Reading Too Much Into It?...

I mean... you tell me...

I'm just saying... looks pretty shady to me!



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Friday, June 26, 2009

Wait... So It Really Happenned... :-(

I guess it's finally sunk in... I think I was hoping all the way up to this point that someone had made a mistake... We love you Micheal!

I remember when Micheal Jackson broadcasted his concert live on HBO back in the day. I was no older than 10 years old. It was such a big deal in my household! I remember my parents making sure that they had a clean VHS ready to record the show for days prior to the actual showing. I watched that video at least once a week for the next 6 weeks.

Micheal Jackson was an undeniable talent (regardless of what these silly critics, who insist upon ridiculing this man even in death, say). And he opened the doors for and touched so many people throuhout his life. He will truly be missed!

I think I'm going to go over my parents house and watch that video this weekend (I hope I can find a VCR).



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Monday, June 15, 2009


I know this sounds terrible, but I have to say it.

Some people should be sterilized. Really. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.

Exhibit A: Desmond Hatchett, a 29 year old Tennessee resident.

First, let me reiterate the fact that Hatchett is 29 years old. This man is 29 years old and the father of 21 children. 21 children. And what's worst, he is a minimum wage worker - I'm not hating on minimum wage workers. We all have to get it how we live, but there is no doubt that I am certainly hating on this situation.

This is ridiculous.

Hatchett appeared in court recently for failure to maintain child support payments. He is required to pay between $25 and $309 per month to each of his 11 baby mamas. Unfortunately with his monthly wages this just is not going to happen. The court can only legally garnish his wages up to 50% of what he makes, leaving some of his baby mamas only to receive $1.98 per month. Because of Hatchett's inability to support all of his 21 children the state of Tennessee will have to step in, which means that tax dollars will go toward taking care of this irresponsible fools children.

I rest my case.

**Let me just say that most people who know me will agree that I try to not judge people and whatever situation they may be in or going through, but this is just beyond me. Irresponsibility is irresponsibility. And this is f-ing ridiculous. And what really gets my blood boiling is that he had the nerve to say that all of the women that he impregnates "know what they are getting into."

Why is the burden of contraception automatically placed on the woman. Should he not be responsible enough to know that he can not afford to have any more children?... Obviously he can't be. So I say, STERILIZE HIM!



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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ignorance of the Day: What Are They Trying to Say?

Like seriously... I don't get it... ::scratching my head::

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Absolutely, Undoubtedly LOVE Him!

All I can say is that, I love him! This is great!



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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Quote of the Day.

"Part of being a good friend is being honest." -President Obama, on US relations with Israel.

I heart President Obama (who I lovingly call Barry)...

But really... He took that simple statement, which is just some real every day type stuff, a little piece of wisdom that his grandmother may have imparted upon him, and he applied it to a much more complicated situation, for which it certainly makes sense.

To view the NY Times article click here.



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My Daily Battles: Black Women Role Models

Is it me, or does it seem like there is a shortage of Black female role models. I'm not saying that there is a shortage, because I don't believe that that to be the case... But what I'm saying is that it sure seems like it.

Why does "the media" (whoever that is) insist on showing these unrealistic portrayals of Black women?

Why do the Black women that expose themselves to these media outlets allow themselves to be exploited in such a way?

I guess the answer is simple... IT SELLS!

Next question... Why does it sell?

Well, I have my opinions, but for now, I'd like you to know what you think... Leave it!

*I have more to come on this topic, because there is so much more to explore... This is one of my daily battles.
**Also, by using the image above I'm not implying that the women pictured are not role models in their own right, I'm just using those pictures as an example of the type of imagery that is used by various media outlets (although I would argue that some of them are not and/or should not be considered role models by a long shot, but that's for a separate post).

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Wreckless Love... Or Homewrecker Love?

It's simple. Married men are off limits. Period. Dot.

I try to keep the gossip to a minimum here, but for some reason this story struck a chord with me.

No, I have never been married, and no, I don't know what it feels like to have another woman destroy what I believed to be a beautiful and unyielding union of which I was one half. But, I'd imagine that if feels quite awful.

So... 2 things:

1. Listening to the interview with Mashonda, it stood out to me when she said she realized that it is not her fault...

So many times we (women in similar situations) blame ourselves for the mistreatment that we arbitrarily receive, whether it be verbal, physical, or psychological abuse... I could go on and on about what I believe causes the mental chains that lock us into believing that we inherently deserve to be misused, but I won't... Instead, I'll just say that we (women) need to learn to love ourselves. Love ourselves as deeply as we love the men that we seek, so that if we do come across a man who chooses to mistreat us, we can simply walk away (as hard as it may be), because we will love ourselves enough to know that our own mental, physical and emotional health is more important than that unhealthy relationship... We also need to respect ourselves, which will unintentionally yield respect for other women and the sanctity of their romantic relationships. If we gain a greater sense of respect for ourselves then we will not allow ourselves to be disrespected by being some body's side piece... And in regaining these simple virtues, we will become better role models to the little girls who will come after us.

2. Say it ain't so Alicia... Not the Alicia Keys that I know (in my head). Not the Superwoman, A Woman's Worth, singing Alicia...

How many of us thought that Alicia Keys would break up some body's happy home?... I sure didn't. I mean, I know it's all hear say right now, but if you ask me, it's pretty convincing hear say. But I guess, it just goes to show that you can't judge a book by it's cover, or a celebrity by their public persona... I mean, who would've thought the Chris Brown's little adorable self would nut up on Rih Rih... but let's not go there.

OK, so 3 things....

3. Because I like Alicia, and because, aren't we all just trying to find true love?....

What if your one chance at real, true love is with a married man?... What if he is your soul mate?...

Yea, that doesn't even make sense, because if he were your soul mate then you wouldn't have to steal him from another woman, right?... Well, I tried to give A. Keys the benefit of doubt... but hey, there is only so much bs'ing a person can do.




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