Monday, March 30, 2009

Sincerely: Made Me Think

As I was watching D.L Hughley Breaks the News, on a segment in which he was interviewing Jessie Jackson Jr., Jackson made an interesting statement. He said, "We represent Barack Obama." This statement stood out to me because it made me think!

I thought about the burden that President Obama has in representing not only America as a whole, but more specifically the potential of Black America if given a chance and proper resources. I'm sure this is not a burden/task that he takes lightly, after all we are all relying on him and his family to show a different side of Black America. The side that is not often portrayed in the media.

However, Jackson's statement turned that burden around for me, not only does President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama represent me, but I represent them as well. This statement places the responsibility on me, to do all that I can to make sure that the representation that the Obama's uphold is not false. To make sure that I am a responsible, law abiding, socially conscious citizen of America. Because I refuse to be a disappointment to my President.




Unknown said...

As a black man, I do have a chip on my shoulder that says "don't fit the stereotype." This perspective of representing the President is an interesting understanding. I always think I don't want to disappoint the people that lived as a slave and fought so that I could have opportunities that they so desired. Or I don't want to disappoint my family that look to me, as the country looks to Obama, to represent us well. I am feeling this, point well taken.

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