Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Woman's Work: Where Do I Go From Here?

Most of the decisions that I've made in my life up to this point have been in a effort to make it to this point. I am a college graduate and a bona fide career woman, as I have been working for almost two years and am on my way to having a successful, lucrative and rewarding career. However, now that I've reached this point in my life, on the cusp on 25 years, my question is, where do I go from here?

Lately, when talking with my closest friends, our conversations center around this question. We are now realizing that being a working, career-oriented woman, who aspires to have a family is a real balancing act... I would have to say that currently my most prevalent goal is to become very successful in my career. I see the next five years as being VERY important for me when it comes to professional development. But, where does marriage and a family fit it?

I also want to get married and start a family within the next five years. But I don't want to have to choose. I want to reach my career goals and my personal goals without compromise. Pondering these questions often leaves me perplexed, but hey, I am woman. It's been done before. Resilience flows through my veins.

In the mean time, here are some of my short-term, everyday goals that I hope will help me reach my career and personal goals (without compromise). Maybe they can help you as well. Let me know what you think.
  1. Wake up earlier. - God knows I'm not a morning person, but there may be something to that old saying, "The early bird gets the worm." So I'm gonna give it a try.

  2. Stay abreast of current events. - Knowing what's going on in the world will assure that I'm never left speechless in the presence of clients or co-workers.

  3. Exercise daily. - Exercise promotes better overall health and is proven to improve ones mood. Physical health is very important to me, as it allows for me to get things done.

  4. Take at least 15 minutes to prepare for the following day. - Proper planning prevents poor performance.

  5. Take at least an hour a day to do what I want to do! - Whether it be reading for leisure, visiting with friends, blogging, or just taking time to clear my mind.

  6. Make sure I talk to my Boo daily! - I'm still working on that marriage ;-)




Baxter E. said...

I believe its possible to have both, albeit, pretty difficult for anyone, especially a woman. The important thing is having a partner who wants the same thing. Without that, it is futile.

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