Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My Daily Battles: Black Women Role Models

Is it me, or does it seem like there is a shortage of Black female role models. I'm not saying that there is a shortage, because I don't believe that that to be the case... But what I'm saying is that it sure seems like it.

Why does "the media" (whoever that is) insist on showing these unrealistic portrayals of Black women?

Why do the Black women that expose themselves to these media outlets allow themselves to be exploited in such a way?

I guess the answer is simple... IT SELLS!

Next question... Why does it sell?

Well, I have my opinions, but for now, I'd like you to know what you think... Leave it!

*I have more to come on this topic, because there is so much more to explore... This is one of my daily battles.
**Also, by using the image above I'm not implying that the women pictured are not role models in their own right, I'm just using those pictures as an example of the type of imagery that is used by various media outlets (although I would argue that some of them are not and/or should not be considered role models by a long shot, but that's for a separate post).


Anonymous said...

Make that picture biggure!

Korey N. Scott said...

I think its a saturation type trend. Being sexy is an easy way to gain exposure versus being intelligent, outspoken, determined and goal oriented. Maybe Kim Joon-Il will send a viralbomb that blinds everyone and then good looks won't sell and we can focus on smelling people and listening to what they say. Smelling people? :/

Baxter E. said...

Sex will always sell: Literally and figuratively...Beauty should be appreciated, but not just physical beauty. With all of the MTVs and BET's though, it has people's standard waaay too high! A guy will see a woman and say, "She's alright." Alright? You've never had a woman half as pretty, but we compare everyone to everything we see on tv. So while you're comparing this young lady to Halle Berry or whoever, take a look at yourself also...

crobs said...

well I think until we remove ourselves from our constant pursuit of voyeuristic pleasure in other people's lives and our obsession and edification of fame we will continue to sacrifice our own moral and ethical standards for a buck.

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