Monday, June 15, 2009


I know this sounds terrible, but I have to say it.

Some people should be sterilized. Really. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.

Exhibit A: Desmond Hatchett, a 29 year old Tennessee resident.

First, let me reiterate the fact that Hatchett is 29 years old. This man is 29 years old and the father of 21 children. 21 children. And what's worst, he is a minimum wage worker - I'm not hating on minimum wage workers. We all have to get it how we live, but there is no doubt that I am certainly hating on this situation.

This is ridiculous.

Hatchett appeared in court recently for failure to maintain child support payments. He is required to pay between $25 and $309 per month to each of his 11 baby mamas. Unfortunately with his monthly wages this just is not going to happen. The court can only legally garnish his wages up to 50% of what he makes, leaving some of his baby mamas only to receive $1.98 per month. Because of Hatchett's inability to support all of his 21 children the state of Tennessee will have to step in, which means that tax dollars will go toward taking care of this irresponsible fools children.

I rest my case.

**Let me just say that most people who know me will agree that I try to not judge people and whatever situation they may be in or going through, but this is just beyond me. Irresponsibility is irresponsibility. And this is f-ing ridiculous. And what really gets my blood boiling is that he had the nerve to say that all of the women that he impregnates "know what they are getting into."

Why is the burden of contraception automatically placed on the woman. Should he not be responsible enough to know that he can not afford to have any more children?... Obviously he can't be. So I say, STERILIZE HIM!




Tia said...

yes, that is a mess.

Jhamal Swift said...

1. In this case I agree.
2. As an adult I understand that if I have sex with a woman. Whether it be protected or unprotected I take a chance at supporting that woman and that child until that child is an adult. If she decides not to work or pull her weight, I still have to get it done. All men and women should understand this before having sex.

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